Our Campus Collaborators

Office of Education Abroad

Processes for the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, and other nationally competitive awards connected to international experiences are coordinated by staff in the Office of Education Abroad. OEA Director Brad Sekulich is Fulbright Program Adviser for Charlotte’s campus.

Office of Undergraduate Research

The Office of Undergraduate Research connects undergraduates and faculty on Charlotte’s campus through research opportunities, and in ways that can provide invaluable experience along the way to bigger national and international opportunities. Among these opportunities are the Summer Research Symposium, research positions, and the OUR Undergraduate Research Conference. Reach out to OUR to get involved in research soon!

University Career Center

Because many nationally competitive awards require applications and skills that resemble professional or internship-style opportunities, use the University Career Center as a support to your preparation. The Career Center can provide review on resumes, arrange practice interviews, and more. Click here to make an appointment at the Career Center.

writing resources center

Because writing is such an essential part of the application process for many nationally competitive awards (e.g., for personal statements and the like), the Writing Resource Center may provide additional review and editing assistance in ways that will strengthen your chances. You can schedule an individual appointment with a member of the WRC team, and who come from a variety of fields and disciplines. You can use the WRC in parallel with feedback from your advisors and faculty mentors.

Endorsement Committee

This body of reviewers convenes each year to review applications to the nation’s most competitive awards, including the Rhodes Scholarship, the Marshall Scholarship, the Truman Scholarship, and the Goldwater Scholarship. Coming from a variety of disciplines across our campus community, they are:

Harish Cherukuri, Ph.D
Professor and Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science
Christopher Cameron
Jacqueline Chattopadhyay
Associate Professor
Political Science & Public Administration
Joel Gallegos
Associate Provost for International Programs
Katherine Hall-Hertel
Associate Dean, The Graduate School
Malin Pereira, Ph.D.
Professor and Dean