Fall Info Sessions
Each year, Nationally Competitive Awards Advising arranges virtual and in-person webinars and info sessions to bring potential applicants in contact with students and alumni who have successfully advanced through these award contests. Each presentation will include time for Q&A. This year’s lineup of events includes:
Truman Scholarship Webinar
Truman Scholarship – Virtual Webinar
October 29th, 5 pm – 6:30 pm
UNC Charlotte seniors Sonia Birla and Grace Cooper tell what it was like to apply and reach the finalist stage for the Truman Scholarship, a premier graduate fellowship for public service. Moderating the discussion and Q&A is Niner alum – and also Truman finalist – Gene Stroup, ‘97.
Click here to register for the webinar.

Nationally Competitive Awards for Niners in STEM
Niners in STEM – Virtual Webinar
October 30th, 5 pm – 6:30 pm
This exciting panel brings together three high-flying STEM Niners: My Vuong (‘23), currently a Ph.D. student in Chemistry at the University of California at Berkeley; Andres Vences, a senior Biology major returning from a STEM internship in Germany; and Jalen London, a senior Nursing major who has spent the past two summers conducting microbiology research at Harvard. Hear from these three about engaging professors, getting involved in research, and applying to graduate school, along with tips for applying to nationally competitive awards. Click here to register for the webinar.

Fulbright uk summer institute info webinar
Fulbright UK Summer Institute – Virtual Webinar
November 19th, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
All are welcome to hear from three Niners who applied and advanced through the competition for the Fulbright UK Summer Institute last year. Coral Hatch is a junior Social Work major who was awarded admission to the Wales program on nationhood and identity; Austin Stitz is a sophomore Engineering major who was awarded admission to Scotland’s technology and creativity institute. Joining the panel as well is Martin Scholar Breonna Tuitt, who was named finalist for the Black Humanities institute in Bristol, England. Each panelist will share their insights in preparing and revising their application and participating in a finalist interview; there will be time for Q&A.
Click here to register for the webinar.