Graduation Process
The process for graduating with honors varies slightly by program with respect to classes and requirements. However, in every honors program there is some form of honors capstone project that students are required to complete to demonstrate the experience and knowledge they have gained during their collegiate career. These capstone projects involve extensive individual research, writing, and oral presentation. For many honors students, these capstones allow them to conduct an in-depth exploration of a topic they are passionate about and help prepare them for graduate school or the professional world. After completing their capstone, students are awarded honors distinction upon graduation, noted on the student’s transcript. For the University Honors Program, this means graduating with University Honors. For all other programs, it means graduating with honors in the student’s major or college. Some students in University Honors complete the honors capstone in their major and graduate with dual honors.
Application to Candidacy
ALL honors students wishing to graduate with honors must complete the two-part process for the Honors Application to Candidacy. **DegreeWorks will be updated once you complete the SECOND part of the Application to Candidacy Process.** Please contact Shannon Zurell directly if you have any questions about this process.
When should I start the honors capstone process?
Most honors programs require either a one or two semester progression of courses for their capstone; therefore, students should reference their program’s website or ask their program director for more information. We encourage students to begin thinking about possible topics as well as possible faculty members who could advise on the topic as early as your sophomore year.
The Application to Candidacy process is usually initiated by the student (although in some cases the honors directors prefer to submit on the students behalf) and then is signed-off/approved by the following:
- Thesis Advisor
- First Reader
- Second Reader (if applicable)
- Honors Program Director(s)
STEPS FOR PART ONE (Deadline: Reading Day, semester BEFORE graduation)
Please submit your application only once. Failure to do so will result in all your submissions being voided, and you will need to resubmit. Please wait until you have everything ready for submission before you complete this form Please note: once you’ve clicked submit, you will be redirected to the Honors College home page and will have successfully completed the process.
- Complete the Part One form via DocuSign (see instructions below if needed)
- Upload your thesis/project proposal via DocuSign (PDF ONLY)
- Save the document as follows: Student Last Name, First Name – Honors Proposal
- Upload your layperson summary for your project via DocuSign (PDF ONLY)
- Save the document as follows: Student Last Name, First Name – Layperson Summary
STEPS FOR PART TWO (Deadline: Reading Day, semester OF graduation)
Please submit your application only once. Failure to do so will result in all your submissions being voided, and you will need to resubmit. Please wait until you have everything ready for submission before you complete this form Please note: once you’ve clicked submit, you will be redirected to the Honors College home page and will have successfully completed the process.
- Complete the Part Two form via DocuSign (see instructions below if needed)
- Upload your completed thesis/project for your project via DocuSign (PDF ONLY)
- Save the document as follows: Student Last Name, First Name – Thesis FINAL
- Upload an abstract for your project via DocuSign (PDF ONLY)
- Save the document as follows: Student Last Name, First Name – Abstract
Students are responsible for ensuring all documents are submitted successfully and on time.
Instructions for filling out the Application for Admission to Candidacy:
For the Student, Thesis Advisor, First Reader, Second Reader (if applicable), Third Reader (if applicable), sections of the form:
Type the name and email address in the appropriate space. This is VERY important, if you select the wrong email address it will be held up in the process. The email address will be the first initial of the person’s first name, along with all or part of the person’s last name. Please keep in mind some last names do change. If you are unsure, ask the faculty member what their ORIGINAL email address is. If you select the wrong one, it will be held up in the process.
If you are completing your senior capstone in one of the following departmental honors programs, type the corresponding name and email (EXACTLY as written below) in the space under “Departmental Honors Program Director” (otherwise please skip):
- Africana Studies: Oscar De La Torre (
- Anthropology: Lydia Light (
- Applied Physiology, Health and Clinical Sciences: Luke Donovan (
- Art History: Jim Frakes (
- Biological Sciences: Didier Dreau (
- Chemistry: Jordan Poler (
- Communication Studies: Tiffany Gallicano (
- Criminal Justice: John Stogner (
- English: Matthew Rowney (
- Geography, Geology, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Studies, or Meteorology: Sandra Clinton (
- Global Studies: Charles Houck (
- History: Maren Ehlers (
- Languages, Cultures and Translations: Allison Stedman (
- Latin American Studies: Carlos Coria-Sanchez (
- Mathematics: Arindam Roy (
- Nursing: Susan Lynch (
- Philosophy: Martin Shuster (
- Physics and Optical Sciences: Nate Fried (
- Political Science: Eric Heberlig (
- Psychology: Erika Montanaro (
- Public Health and Health Systems Management: Alicia Dahl (
- Religious Studies: Julia Moore (
- Social Work: Roger Suclupe (
- Sociology: Victoria Rankin (
If you are completing your senior capstone in one of the college honors program listed below, type the appropriate name and email in the space under “College Honors (other than UHP) Program Director” (otherwise please skip):
- Arts + Architecture Honors: Kaus Sarkar (
- Business Honors: Jacqueline Robinson (
- Computing and Informatics Honors: Xi (Sunshine) Niu (
- Education Honors: Madelyn Williams Colonnese (
- Engineering Honors: Ron Smelser (
If you are completing your senior capstone in the University Honors Program (enrolled in HONR 3790 or HONR 3791), type the following name and email in the space under “University Honors Program” (otherwise please skip):
- University Honors Program: Cindy Gilson (
If you’re completing DUAL HONORS, type the following name and email in the space under “University Honors Program” (otherwise please skip):
- University Honors Program: Cindy Gilson (
**Remember, if you’re doing dual honors (university honors and a departmental honors program), you must complete both sections of the form. Failure to do so will result in your application being voided, and it will need to be resubmitted.
**Please submit your application only once. Failure to do so will result in all your submissions being voided, and you will need to resubmit. Please wait until you have everything ready for submission before you complete this form Please note: once you’ve clicked submit, you will be redirected to the Honors College home page and will have successfully completed the process.
**Once all signatures are collected, you will receive a copy of your completed documents.
DEADLINES to declare candidacy for graduation
All forms must be COMPLETE with appropriate faculty signatures and submitted to the Honors College, following the specific instructions listed above, by the deadlines listed below.
PAGE 1 of Application to Candidacy form (including proposal & layperson summary |
Reading Day of the semester BEFORE graduating (i.e., SPRING/FALL prior to graduating) |
PAGE 2 of Application to Candidacy form (including abstract & FINAL thesis/project for graduation) |
Reading Day of the ACTUAL semester you are graduating (i.e., SPRING/FALL) |
PLEASE NOTE: While these are the general deadlines to submit these forms, some honors programs may have earlier deadlines. We recommend you verify your program’s deadlines with your honors program advisor.
Other Helpful Documents:
- DocuSign and Workflow Tracking Instructions
- Guidelines on Application to Candidacy for Students, Faculty, and Program Directors
- Writing a Layperson Summary
- Capstone Examples
We celebrate our students in many ways! All honors students receive a certificate denoting graduation with honors, in addition to recognition in the commencement program. All honors students will also receive an Honors College graduation stole from Shannon Zurell, the Honors College Business Services Coordinator, to wear during commencement. Please contact her directly at Please be advised that honors stoles will not be available for pick up until AFTER turning in page two of the Application to Candidacy form (and all signatures have been received.) Additionally, some honors programs bestow medallions upon their graduates. Please contact your program director for more information.